In Muaupoko Tribal Authority Incorporated v Minister for the Environment [2023] NZCA 641, the Court of Appeal upheld a claim for judicial review against the...
Given the importance of water there has been an increasing regulatory focus in recent years to manage its continuous quality and quantity. By Tim McGuigan,...
As the three waters industry grapples with a looming skills shortage, Water New Zealand chief executive Gillian Blythe looks at some of the opportunities for...
The Aggregate and Quarry Association (AQA) is concerned with details of new Freshwater Regulations 2020 as it relates to the minerals and aggregate sector and...
As the water reforms unfold, it’s clear that one of the biggest challenges facing water utilities will be the need to ensure a competent, professional,...
Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Local Government Last month three waters-related reports caught my eye. One was the Ministry of Health’s latest Annual Report on...
Auckland’s long gorgeous, California-like Autumn was a rare event that couldn’t have come at a better time during the housebound L4 and L3 lockdowns. However,...
Mary Searle Bell looks at the concerns of two water-focused associations over the new water regulator. Late last year it was announced that a drinking...