Local Government Magazine

Author : LG Magazine


15 things you need to know about the Resource Legislation Amendment Act & iwi participation

LG Magazine
The Mana Whakahono a Rohe (MWR) provisions are among the controversial law changes that delayed the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill. They give iwi rights to...
LG Magazine

A seismic shift in design

LG Magazine
This paper, ‘A seismic shift in design – embedding safety, resilience and value into post-earthquake designs’, was presented at Water New Zealand’s Annual Conference. Beca...
LG Magazine

2016 LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards: Results

LG Magazine
Congratulations to all the councils whose entries were selected as winners, highly commended and finalists in the 2016 LGNZ EXCELLENCE Awards. Sixty-three applications were received...
LG Magazine

7 smart digital moves by councils

LG Magazine
How to boost biosecurity, recruit more cost-effectively, deliver news, consult more widely and build intranets that staff really want to use? Councils share the technologies...